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Portfire Associates


Portfire's practice focuses on energy, GHG emissions reduction, and net zero. digital transformation, energy innovation, oil sands, and petrochemicals.

The practice is anchored by Marc Godin , P. Eng., MBA, with +35 years of experience in business management, technology development, marketing, product management, strategy, R & D, technical service and customer service, at senior levels with large chemical and energy companies. Collaboration with partners in the private and academic sectors contributes complementary knowledge and capabilities.



GHG Emissions Reduction

Technology Development

Leadership for identifying technology gaps and market needs for reducing emissions from oil and gas facilities to meet ambitious government targets, to inform the development and funding of applied research and technology development projects. 

GHG Emissions Reduction Technology Development and Demonstration Projects

Management of several demonstration projects ($15 million) funded by industry and governments. 

NOx, SOx, and GHG Emissions Reduction Technology Development and Demonstration

Artificial intelligence techniques are being applied to determine air contaminant concentrations in fuel combustion flue stacks (steam generators and gas plants), replacing physical sensors with virtual sensors for safety improvements and cost and emissions reductions. 

Petroleum Energy Efficiency Projects

Project management of projects to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions from conventional oil and gas operations. This included technical deliverables while maintaining an engaged and productive team. 

Carbon Capture and Storage Project Lessons Learned and Final Report

The final report summarizes this major carbon capture and storage project, including engineering, economic, and environmental analyses, and public acceptance. 

Carbon Capture and Storage Research

The final report summarizes five years of research in carbon capture and storage, including engineering, economic and environmental analyses, and public acceptance. 

Hydrogen for the Energy Transition

A UCalgary enriched training program beyond the traditional university setting emphasizes the need for "Renaissance" engineers as multidisciplinary problem solvers, critical thinkers, and leaders who understand creativity, communications, environmental and social responsibility, and cultural diversity. 

CO2 Project

Support and co-manage a multi-stakeholder research project to optimize CO2 purity specifications for the full value chain from capture to utilization or storage. 

Carbon Management 

Research program for a nationwide, university-led, multidisciplinary research network that will develop the game-changing technologies and the business, social, and policy frameworks necessary to rapidly "decarbonize" fossil fuel production and utilization. 


Artificial Intelligence Powered Predictive Emissions Management System

The application of artificial intelligence to process control replaces hardware sensors with software sensors measuring NOx and methane emissions in large-scale combustion units, thereby improving safety and reliability while reducing costs and emissions. 

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)

Development and demonstration of integrated sensor and software-based surveillance and control systems for RPAS to enable the routine and widespread use of drones in Canada. 

Digital Twin of Corporate Emissions

Development and deployment of a digital twin of a company's GHG emissions for scenario modeling, decision-making support, and investments in emission reduction technologies. 

Consortium for Digital Innovation and Transformation

A collaboration network composed of energy producers for developing joint projects and learnings in the emerging area of digital transformation, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, sensors, connectivity networks, cloud, drones, and others. 

Digital Innovation Projects

End-user challenge definition to identify, develop, and commercialize relevant solutions such as drones beyond visual line of sight, pipeline leak detection, robotic inspections, image and voice recognition, analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and augmented and virtual reality visualization. 

Remote Sensing and Airborne Mapping

Earth observation, remote sensing, and deployment of sensors on manned or unmanned aerial platforms can potentially improve petroleum operations vastly. I was highly involved in the portfolio of this geospatial technology project. It was managed in collaboration with industry and government partners. 

Impact of Nanotechnology in Alberta

Nanotechnology is one of the real opportunities of our time. The Governments of Canada and Alberta have invested early in the research and enabling infrastructure. This assignment aimed to identify the applications with the highest economic, social, and environmental impact in Alberta. A series of 7 workshops were hosted, and an industry technology roadmap was written. 


Decentralized Energy and Smart Grid Projects

The project facilitated the deployment of an Alberta rural smart grid with advanced metering infrastructure, including battery storage, solar energy, smart grids, community energy generation, electric vehicle charging, and blockchain green credit aggregation with municipalities and small and medium enterprises. 

Sustainable Energy Technologies Program at Lakeland College

Visioning and strategy process to determine the future of petroleum industry programming. 

Project Management for Construction of Water Research Centre

Coordination and management of significant funding award finalization, cost estimates, and construction plans, including relationships with the City of Calgary and major companies engaged in water treatment technologies for the new UCalgary ACWA research center at Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. 

Tight Oil and Shale Gas Innovation Network and Roadmap

Lead facilitator of identifying technology development opportunities to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of hydraulic fracturing. 

Hydraulic Fracturing Best Practices

Current best practices for multi-stage hydraulic fracturing were reviewed and documented. This technology has revolutionized oil and gas markets, and the prospects for future growth and deployment were discussed to keep Alberta as the leader in R&D. 

Light Tight Oil and Shale Gas

New hydraulic fracturing technologies are revolutionizing oil and natural gas production. Natural gas from shale has now flooded markets, depressing prices, and opening export opportunities. After decades of decline, light oil production is now increasing again. The enabling technologies are still at an early stage, and much development remains to be done to improve effectiveness and reduce environmental impact. The purpose is to launch the technology innovation projects needed by the industry. 

Hot Water Vapor Process Field Trial

Development of scope, technical requirements, joint venture funding, and governance for the field trial of HWVP, a new technology proposed by PTAC in collaboration with Portfire and New Paradigm Engineering for follow-up recovery of heavy oil in Western Canada. 

Industrial Research Chair Proposal in Drilling Engineering

Proposal for the renewal of funding of the industrial research chair in drilling engineering, including scope, research plan, budget, benefits, and competitive advantage. 

Pipeline Innovation Roadmap

A blueprint for innovation in pipeline technologies, focusing on the twin tracks of prevention and mitigation, will allow industry/government to align and collaborate in technology investments. 

Agile Pipelines of the Future

Strategy, work plan, and budget for a multi-year, multi-researcher applied research project to transform water, oil, and gas pipelines to a fail-safe future by developing novel sensors, internet of things, edge computing, analytics, machine learning, and augmented/virtual reality visualization technologies. 

Pipeline Abandonment Research

Management of a research program to generate engineering and scientific facts related to abandoned transmission pipelines in collaboration with Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada, the Canadian Energy Pipelines Association, and the Canadian Energy Regulator. 

Pipeline Engineering Center

Developing detailed research proposals and associated infrastructure for corrosion prevention and advanced leak detection technologies in pipelines. 

Infrastructure for Pipeline Safety and Security

Pipelines are a vital nationwide network for the transportation of energy products. The sector has been thrust into increased public scrutiny by many recent well-publicized incidents. This assignment involved defining research questions and the necessary infrastructure to deliver technologies for enabling a leap forward in reliability, safety, and security. 

Energy Research Strategy

Support for the development of the UCalgary Energy Research Strategy 

Evaluation of Technology Projects

Technical review expert for Sustainable Technology Development Canada. 

Support to Small and Medium Enterprises

Working in alignment with petroleum technology companies advising on potential technology benefits and supporting field demonstration projects. 


Clean Energy Resources Roadmap Analysis

Review and analysis of approximately 50 clean energy roadmaps worldwide to understand the current situation and lay the foundation for the future state roadmap, strategy, and supporting innovation ecosystem. 

Oil Sands Technology Roadmap

Consultations with industry and governments regarding interest, scope, and funding of a second edition of the Oil Sands Technology Roadmap. This was a delicate negotiation with all stakeholders to see the value of working together. 

Technology Development and Demonstration Projects

Application of advanced drone, methane detection, and artificial intelligence technologies in the oil sands operating area focusing on surface facilities, pipelines, tailings ponds, and mine faces. 

Oil Sands Non-Aqueous Extraction Technology Review

Detailed review and analysis of past/current research programs concerning outcomes and prospects for renewed research investments. 

Clean Bitumen Technology Action Plan

Active participant and facilitator. CBTAP is a fact-based facilitated process involving multiple stakeholders from industry/government and experts from oil sands technical/environmental disciplines. It consists of reviewing technologies and studies to identify gaps, hosting workshops focusing on priorities and opportunities, and launching many technology innovation projects. 

Impact of Technological Change on Oil Sands Development

Preparation of a report summarizing changes anticipated to oil sands technologies during the next 50 years for informing the deliberations and decisions of committees and organizations participating in the Land-use Framework of the Lower Athabasca region. (Alberta Financing Enterprise)

Industrial Research Chair in Catalysis for Bitumen Upgrading

Preparation of proposal for funding a new industrial research chair in catalysis for bitumen upgrading, including scope, research plan, budget, benefits, competitive advantage, management meetings, and site visit. 

Oil Sands Environmental Impact Assessment

Review of technology, water, air, and environmental aspects of 3 oil sands SAGD projects in Athabasca: Connacher, Devon, and North American Oil Sands. 


Feasibility Study for a New U.S. Petrochemical Complex

Review of technology selection, logistics, and products for a planned new USGC petrochemical facility. 

Business Case for New Canadian Petrochemical Complex

Marketing survey and business case for constructing a new $4 billion petrochemical complex and LNG terminal in Nova Scotia, including technology selection and market segmentation. 

Study of Marketing and Technical Service for Iran Petrochemicals

Study and benchmark global petrochemical marketing and technical service organizations, including data gathering, interviews, analysis, recommendations, and workshops. 

Market Research and Strategy for Ethylene Elastomers and Plastomers

Acquisition and analysis of market information for polyethylene and ethylene elastomers, including supply and demand volumes 

Adding Value to Natural Gas and Petrochemicals

Comprehensive Proposal - Alberta Government to provide technical support and expertise to strategy development. 

Analysis of Opportunities for R&D in the Chemical Industry

Identification and analysis of R&D opportunities in the Canadian chemical industry, including consultation with industry and government scientists and delivery of reports and presentations. 



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823 120th Avenue S.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2J 2K5

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